Monday, May 16, 2011

Snap Illusions Shadow Appearance Illusion is Amazing!!

This is the perfect appearance for the magician !!

EFFECT: The assistant passes a light behind each side and revolves the prop to show all sides. The interior contains nothing, yet the image of the magician slowly materializing in shadow form is most eerie and the appearance is most startling. The sides and front come down to reveal the magician in a reclining position. The wings are removable can it can be performed without the wings.
This illusion is reasonably priced at $1350.00 to fit everyone's budget!!  Snap List Members save an additional 10% off of this illusion, and all members get free shipping!!!  
Customer Reviews on this illusion :
Carl T.--Orlando, FL--Shadow Appearance Illusion--"Thank you for this wonderful illusion.  It will make the perfect opening for my show!!!"
Thomas C.-Glasgow, UK--Shadow Appearance Illusion--"Super Illusion!!  Affordable Price!!!  Thank You!!!"