Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Snap Illusions Mini Spiker is perfect!!

Snap Illusions Mini Spiker Illusion is perfect! It is made especially for the performer who wants a grand illusion, but may not have the space requirements for the larger Spike Penetration Illusion.

EFFECT: A menacing apparatus is wheeled on stage. This apparatus consists of a plate with 8 menacing aluminum spikes and a small chamber. The audience can clearly see the spikes penetrate the chamber. The assistant enters through a small door at one end of the chamber. The front door may be opened to show assistant inside the chamber. The front door is closed and the assistants hand is seen waving from the center of the chamber. The magician then proceeds thrust the spikes through the side of the chamber, in an instant the girls hand vanishes and the front and back doors are open to reveal the assistant has disappeared. The magician may now go to the back of the cabinet , wave his hand to show there is nothing inside. At this point both doors are closed, spikes are removed and doors open , the assistant steps out unharmed!

This illusion is priced at $1600.00 to fit everyone's budget.   Snap List Members save an additional 10% off of this illusion, and all members get free shipping!!!  Click here to Join the Snap List!!!

Customer reviews about this illusion:

William P.--Geneva, Switzerland--Mini Spiker Illusion--"Tawni, Thank you for a great illusion..very nice".

Wesley P.---Sugarland, Texas--Mini Spiker Illusion--Wow!! I am impressed.  What a spectacular illusion, it is exactly what I wanted.  Will be back for more...Thank You!!"

Go to website now!! www.snapillusions.com