EFFECT: This illusion revolves around the concept of being "backstage" at the magic show. The audience thinks they see the magician's assistant sneak from one empty cabinet to another but, when both boxes are nested, up through the top pops a DIFFERENT ASSISTANT...leaving no trace of the original assistant!
This true classic of magic is reasonably priced at $1700.00 to fit everyone's budget!! Snap List Members save an additional 10% off of this illusion, and all members get free shipping!!!
Customer Reviews on this illusion:
Jerry P--Phoenix, AZ--Backstage With The Magician Illusion--"Thank you for custom making this illusion for me, I am 100% satisfied and will be purchasing more from you in the future!!"
Dave R.--Boston, MA--Backstage With The Magician Illusion--" The illusion is perfect!!! Thank you for meeting my important deadline date!!!'
GO TO WEBSITE NOW!!! www.snapillusions.com